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- Extrait de Third Reference Cat. of Bright Galaxies (RC3) (de Vaucouleurs+ 1991)
- Organisation du catalogue :
- Les galaxies sont rΘparties dans 50 zones de 30x30 degrΘs selon le mΩme
- principe que les grandes rΘgions du Guide Star Catalog .
- ( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087)
- dΘclinaison nombre numΘro de la
- du centre de zones premiΦre zone
- ------------- ------------ --------------
- 15 12 1
- 45 9 13
- 75 4 22
- -15 12 26
- -45 9 38
- -75 4 47
- Chaque zone est matΘrialisΘe par un fichier .
- Dans chaque fichier les galaxies sont triΘes par dimension ( d25 ) .
- Description des enregistrements des fichiers :
- RC3rec = record ar,de,vgsr :longint ;
- pgc : array[1..8] of char;
- nom : array [1..14] of char;
- typ : array [1..7] of char;
- pa : byte;
- stage,lumcl,d25,r25,Ae,mb,b_vt,b_ve,m25,me : smallint;
- end;
- - ar : ascention droite 2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- - de : declinaison 2000 * 100'000
- - vgsr : vitesse radiale moyenne
- - pgc : numΘro du catalogue PGC
- - nom : autres noms
- - typ : type morphologique
- - pa : angle de position du grand axe
- - stage : Hubble stage * 10
- - lumcl : classe de luminositΘ * 10
- - d25 : log du grand axes α l'isophote 25/'2 * 100
- - r25 : log du rapport grand axe / petit axe * 100
- - Ae : log de l'ouverture effective * 100
- - mb : magnitude B ou photographique totale * 100
- - b_vt : indice de couleur b-v total * 100
- - b_ve : indice de couleur b-v dans l'ouverture effective * 100
- - m25 : magnitude / minute carrΘe moyenne * 100
- - me : magnitude / minute carrΘe dans l'ouverture effective * 100
- Type Intervalle Format
- ------------ -------------------------- -------------------
- Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
- SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
- Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
- Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
- Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
- Description originale du catalogue :
- VII/155 Third Reference Cat. of Bright Galaxies (RC3) (de Vaucouleurs+ 1991)
- ================================================================================
- Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (RC3)
- de Vaucouleurs G., de Vaucouleurs A., Corwin Jr. H.G., Buta R.J.,
- Paturel G., Fouque P.
- <Springer-Verlag: New York, (1991)>
- ================================================================================
- ADC_Keywords: Galaxy catalogs
- Description:
- The University of Texas has revised its third edition of its
- catalogue of bright galaxies. This not only contains many more
- entries than the second edition (23,022) but substantially more
- information for each entry.
- Introduction:
- The original Harvard Survey of the External Galaxies brighter
- than the 13th magnitude, by H. Shapley and A. Ames (1932),
- included just 1,249 objects (of which five were not galaxies),
- with estimated photographic magnitudes and diameters from
- heterogeneous sources.
- The first Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (RC1) (G. and
- A. de Vaucouleurs 1964), prepared between 1949 and 1963, included
- 2,599 objects (six are not galaxies), over twice the number in
- the original Shapley-Ames catalogue. In addition to diameters,
- magnitudes, colors, and redshifts in relatively homogeneous
- systems, it gave revised classifications and detailed literature
- references from 1913 to 1963. (NGC 8 is a double star; NGC 4361
- is a planetary nebula; NGC 5396 is nonexistent, probably = NGC
- 5375; IC 1308 is a H II region in NGC 6822; IC 3917 is
- nonexistent, probably a plate defect (M. Wolf 1905); and A2144 =
- Palomar 12 is a globular cluster.)
- The Second Reference Catalogue (RC2) (G. and A. de Vaucouleurs,
- and H. G. Corwin 1976), prepared between 1971 and 1975, included
- 4,364 objects (two are not galaxies), for which it gave improved
- isophotal diameters and axis ratios in the D25 system, newly
- determined total magnitudes and colors in the UBV system,
- continuum and 21-cm radio magnitudes, HI index, and redshifts, as
- well as references to published photographs and a bibliography
- for the years 1964 to 1975. Both the First and Second Reference
- Catalogues are limited to galaxies with useful literature
- references and are incomplete beyond the Shapley-Ames limit.
- (A0733+02 = DDO 45 is a planetary nebula; A2143-21 = Palomar 12
- is a globular cluster.)
- The present, much enlarged Third Reference Catalogue of Bright
- Galaxies (RC3) attempts to be reasonably complete for galaxies
- having apparent diameters larger than 1 arcmin at the D25
- isophotal level and total B-band magnitudes BT brighter than
- about 15.5, with a redshift not in excess of 15,000 km/s. Objects
- of special interest, such as compact galaxies smaller than 1
- arcmin or fainter than magnitude 15.5, and those already in RC2,
- are also included. The number of RC3 objects meeting these
- conditions is 11,897. Additional objects meeting only the
- diameter or the magnitude condition, and objects of interest
- smaller than 1.00, fainter than 15.5, or with redshifts > 15,000
- km/s, bring the total to 23,022. (PGC 41636 and P65386 have been
- deleted since the catalogue was printed. The first is a globular
- cluster, Palomar 15, and the second is a duplicate entry for NGC
- 6967.) These were extracted from the database of 73,197 galaxies
- maintained by G. Paturel at Lyons Observatory (Paturel et al.
- 1989a,b). Data published prior to mid-1990 are included in the
- main RC3 table and appendices.
- As might be expected in a compilation of this size, a number of
- errors have been detected since this catalog was archived. These
- have been corrected by H. G. Corwin who submitted the current,
- corrected version. Any problems relating to the catalogue itself
- should be addressed to him:
- Dr. Harold G. Corwin, Jr.
- IPAC, M/S 100-22
- California Institute of Technology
- Pasadena, CA 91125
- Details of the reduction procedures, and Notes, References, and
- Appendices are in Volume 1 of the printed version of RC3,
- available from Springer-Verlag New York. Volumes 2 and 3
- (included in this distribution) are also be available from
- Springer-Verlag should you wish to have a printed and bound
- version of the complete catalogue. The user of this catalogue is
- referred to this source volume for notes, references to data on
- individual galaxies, and the important information contained in
- the appendices as well as a discussion of how the entries were
- derived.
- We ask that you acknowledge RC3 and its authors in any
- publication that results from your use of the Catalogue. You may
- also freely distribute unaltered electromagnetic copies of RC3 to
- friends and colleagues as long as a copy of this documentation -
- including this notice - accompanies the Catalogue. The printed
- version of RC3 is protected by copyright, and may not be
- reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the
- copyright holder, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
- File Summary:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ReadMe 80 . This file
- rc3.dat 363 23011 The revised RC3 catalog
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- See also:
- VII/112 : RC2 Catalogue
- VII/119 : PGC Catalogue (Paturel et al., =1989A&AS...80..299P)
- J/AJ/108/2128 : RC3 corrections & additions
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: rc3.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 2 I2 h RAh *Right Ascension 2000 (hours)
- 3- 4 I2 min RAm *Right Ascension 2000 (minutes)
- 5- 8 F4.1 s RAs *Right Ascension 2000 (sec. or min.)
- 10 A1 --- DE- [-+] Sign of declination
- 11- 12 I2 deg DEd *Declination 2000 (degrees)
- 13- 14 I2 arcmin DEm *Declination 2000 (minutes)
- 15- 16 I2 arcsec DEs *? Declination 2000 (seconds)
- 18- 19 I2 h RAh1950 Right Ascension 1950 (hours)
- 20- 21 I2 min RAm1950 Right Ascension 1950 (minutes)
- 22- 25 F4.1 s RAs1950 *Right Ascension 1950 (sec. or min.)
- 27 A1 --- DE-1950 [-+] Sign of declination 1950
- 28- 29 I2 deg DEd1950 Declination 1950 (degrees)
- 30- 31 I2 arcmin DEm1950 Declination 1950 (minutes)
- 32- 33 I2 arcsec DEs1950 *? Declination 1950 (seconds)
- 35- 40 F6.2 deg GLON *Galactic longitude
- 42- 47 F6.2 deg GLAT *Galactic latitude
- 49- 54 F6.2 deg SGLON Supergalactic longitude on RC2 sys.
- 56- 61 F6.2 deg SGLAT Supergalactic latitude on RC2 sys.
- 63- 74 A12 --- name *Name
- 75- 89 A15 --- altname *Alternate name
- 91-104 A14 --- desig Other designation
- 106-116 A11 --- PGC *PGC number
- 118-124 A7 --- type *Type
- 126-130 A5 --- typesr *Source of revised type
- 132-135 F4.1 --- T *? T (Hubble stage)
- 137-139 F3.1 --- e_T ? Mean error of T
- 141-144 F4.1 --- lumcl ? Luminosity class(Section 3.3.d,p18)
- 146-148 F3.1 --- e_lumcl ? Mean error on luminosity class
- 150 I1 --- o_lumcl ? Num. of luminosity class estimates
- 152-155 F4.2 0.1arcmin d25 *? Log D25
- 156 A1 --- u_d25 [?]? indicates Log D25 very uncer.
- 158-160 F3.2 0.1arcmin e_d25 *? Mean error on log D25
- 162-165 F4.2 --- R25 *? Log R25 (isophotal diameter ratio)
- 166 A1 --- u_R25 [?]? indicates Log R25 very uncertain
- 168-170 F3.2 --- e_R25 *? Mean error on log R25
- 172-175 F4.2 0.1arcmin Do *? Log Do
- 177-180 F4.2 0.1arcmin Ae *? Log Ae (effective aperture)
- 182-184 F3.2 0.1arcmin e_Ae ? Mean error on log Ae
- 186-188 I3 deg PA *? Position angle of the major axis
- 190-194 F5.2 mag BT *? BT (total B magnitude)
- 195 A1 --- BT_code *? BT code
- 197-199 F3.2 mag e_BT ? Mean error on BT
- 201-205 F5.2 mag Bmag *? mB (photographic magnitude)
- 207-209 F3.2 mag e_Bmag *? Mean error on Bmag
- 211-215 F5.2 mag BoT *? BoT
- 217-221 F5.2 mag/arcmin2 m'25 *? m'25
- 223-226 F4.2 mag/arcmin2 e_m'25 ? Mean error m'25
- 228-232 F5.2 mag/arcmin2 m'e *? m'e
- 234-236 F3.2 mag/arcmin2 e_m'e ? Mean error m'e
- 238-242 F5.2 mag mFIR *? mFIR
- 244-248 F5.2 mag m21 *? m21
- 250-251 F2.1 mag e_m21 ? Mean error on m21
- 253-256 F4.2 mag B-VT *? (B-V)T (total (B-V))
- 258-260 F3.2 mag e_B-VT ? Mean error on (B-V)T
- 262-265 F4.2 mag B-Ve *? (B-V)e (mean B-V within Ae)
- 267-269 F3.2 mag e_B-Ve ? Mean error on (B-V)e
- 271-274 F4.2 mag B-VoT *? (B-V)oT
- 276-280 F5.2 mag U-BT *? (U-B)T (total (U-B))
- 282-284 F3.2 mag e_U-BT ? Mean error on (U-B)T
- 286-289 F4.2 mag U-Be *? (U-B)e
- 291-293 F3.2 mag e_U-Be ? Mean error on (U-B)e
- 295-298 F4.2 mag U-BoT *? (U-B)To
- 300-304 F5.2 mag HI *? HI (neutral hydrogen index)
- 306-309 F4.2 mag Ai *? Ai (internal B extinction)
- 311-313 F3.2 mag A21 *? A21 (HI self absorption)
- 315-318 F4.2 mag Ag *? Ag (galactic extinction in B)
- 320-322 I3 km/s W20 *? W20
- 324-325 I2 km/s e_W20 ? Mean error on W20
- 327-329 I3 km/s W50 *? W50
- 331-332 I2 km/s e_W50 ? Mean error of W50
- 334-338 I5 km/s V21 *? V21 (heliocentric radial velocity)
- 340-341 I2 km/s e_V21 ? Mean error on V21
- 343-347 I5 km/s cz *? Vopt= cz
- 349-351 I3 km/s e_cz ? Mean error on Vopt
- 353-357 I5 km/s VGSR *? VGSR
- 359-363 I5 km/s V3K *? V3K
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note on RAh, RAm, RAs, DEd, DEm, DEs, RAs1950 and DEs1950:
- The right ascensions and declinations for the equinox 2000.0, are
- precessed from the 1950.0 position using the 1976 IAU constants
- (see, e.g., the Supplement to The Astronomical Almanac for 1984).
- These are given to 0.1 second of time and 1 arcsec when available,
- and to 0.1 minute of time and 1 arcmin otherwise (Section 3.1.a,
- page 11).
- The right ascensions originally given with an accuracy of 0.1min
- have been converted to seconds; such converted RAs and RAs1950
- values have no decimal, and the corresponding DEs and DEs1950
- are blank.
- Note on GLON and GLAT:
- The galactic coordinates given to 0.01, are calculated following
- the IAU 1958 prescription (Blaauw et al. 1960) with the North
- Galactic Pole at alpha = 12h49m , delta = +27 24 (1950), and the
- origin at alpha = 17h 42.4m, delta = -28 55 (1950).
- Note on name:
- Names (e.g., LMC, SMC) or NGC and IC designations.
- Note on altname:
- UGC (Nilson 1973), ESO (Lauberts 1982), MCG (Vorontsov-Velyaminov
- et al. 1962-1974), UGCA (Nilson 1974), and CGCG (Zwicky et al.
- 1961-1968) designations, given in that order of preference. MCG
- designations not listed here are given in UGC and ESO.
- Note on PGC:
- PGC (Paturel et al. 1989a,b) designation. For cross identifications
- of various catalogues with the PGC, see Appendix 10, page 561.
- Note on type:
- Mean revised morphological type in the RC2 system, coded as in RC2
- (Section 3.3.a, page 13).
- Note on typesr:
- "V" indicates a classification by de Vaucouleurs; "4" indicates a
- ring galaxy classified by Buta on 4-meter plates.
- Note on T:
- Mean numerical index of stage along the Hubble sequence in RC2
- system (coded as explained in Section 3.3.c, page 16).
- Note on d25:
- Mean decimal logarithm of the apparent major isophotal diameter
- measured at or reduced to surface brightness level muB = 25.0 B/mag2,
- as explained in Section 3.4.a, page 21. The unit of D is 0.1
- arcmin to avoid negative entries.
- Note on e_d25:
- A "?" indicates a large, uncertain error.
- Note on R25:
- Mean decimal logarithm of the ratio of the major isophotal
- diameter, D25, to the minor isophotal diameter, d25, measured at or
- reduced to the surface brightness level muB = 25.0 B/mag2, and its
- mean error as explained in Section 3.4.b, page 26.
- Note on e_R25:
- A "?" indicates a large, uncertain error.
- Note on Ae:
- Decimal logarithm of the apparent diameter (in 0.1 arcmin) of the
- "effective aperture," the circle centered on the nucleus within
- which one-half of the total B-band flux is emitted, derived as
- explained in Section 3.4.c, page 28.
- Note on Do:
- Decimal logarithm of the isophotal major diameter corrected to
- "face-on" (i = 0), and corrected for galactic extinction to Ag = 0,
- but not for redshift, as explained in Section 3.4.d, page 29.
- Note on PA:
- Position angle, measured in degrees from north through east (all
- <180), taken when available from UGC, ESO, and ESGC (and in a few
- cases from H I data) (Section 3.5.a, page 30).
- Note on Ag:
- Galactic extinction in B-band magnitudes, calculated following
- Burstein and Heiles (1978a,b, 1982, 1984) as explained in Section
- 3.5.b, page 30.
- Note on Ai:
- Internal extinction in B-band magnitudes (for correction to
- face-on), calculated from log R and T as explained in Section
- 3.5.c, page 31.
- Note on A21:
- A21 = H I line self-absorption in magnitudes (for correction to
- face-on), calculated from log R and T greater or equal to 1 as
- explained in Section 3.5.d, page 32.
- Note on BT:
- BT = total (asymptotic) magnitude in the B system derived by
- extrapolation from photoelectric aperture- magnitude data, BAT, and
- from surface photometry with photoelectric zero point, BSTas
- explained in Section 3.6.a, page 32.
- Note on BT_code:
- "M" = BT is the weighted mean of BAT and BST,
- "S" = only surface photometry used
- "V" = BT is a V-band magnitude rather than a B-band magnitude
- "v" = the nucleus of the galaxy is variable.
- "*" indicates that deriving BAT would have required an
- extrapolation in excess of 0.75 mag.
- Note on Bmag and e_Bmag:
- Photographic magnitude and its mean error from Ames (1930), Shapley
- and Ames (1932), CGCG, Buta and Corwin (1986), and/or Lauberts and
- Valentijn (1989) reduced to the BT system as explained in Section
- 3.6.b, page 37.
- Note on mFIR:
- Calculated from mFIR = -20.0 - 2.5 logFIR, where FIR is the far
- infrared continuum flux measured at 60 and 100 microns as listed in
- the IRAS Point Source Catalog (1987) <II/125>. For galaxies larger
- than 80 in RC2 and for the Virgo cluster area, resolved by the IRAS
- beam, integrated fluxes are taken from Rice et al.(1988) or Helou et
- al.(1988). See Section 3.6.c, page 43, for details.
- Note on BoT:
- Total "face-on" magnitude corrected for galactic and internal
- extinction, and for redshift as explained in Section 3.6.d, page
- 44.
- Note on B-VT and U-BT:
- Total (asymptotic) color index in the Johnson B-V and U-B system,
- respectively, derived by extrapolation from photoelectric
- color-aperture data, and/or from surface photometry with a
- photoelectric zero point as explained in Section 3.7.a, page 45.
- Note on B-VoT and U-BoT:
- Total B-V and U-B color indices, respectively, corrected for
- galactic and internal extinction, and for redshift, as explained in
- Section 3.7.b, page 47.
- Note on B-Ve and U-Be:
- Mean B-V and U-B color indices, respectively, within the effective
- aperture Ae, derived by interpolation from photoelectric
- color-aperture data as explained in Section 3.7.a, page 45.
- Note on m'e:
- Mean B-band surface brightness in magnitudes per square arcmin
- (B-m/sm) within the effective aperture Ae, and its mean error,
- calculated by the relation m'e= BT + 0.75 + 5 logAe- 5.26. This m'e
- is statistically related to the effective mean surface brightness,
- mu'e (RC2, p. 31; Olson and de Vaucouleurs 1981), with which it
- coincides when log R = 0 (i = 0) (Section 3.8.a, page 49).
- Note on m'25:
- The mean surface brightness in magnitudes per square arcmin
- (B-m/sm) within the muB = 25.0 B-m/ss elliptical isophote of major
- axis log D25 and axis ratio log R25, defined as in RC2 (Equation
- 21) by:
- m'25= BT + delta(m25) + 5 logD25- 2.5 logR25- 5.26,
- where delta(m25) = 2.5 log LT/L25 = B25 - BT and is the magnitude
- increment contributed by the outer regions of a galaxy fainter than
- muB = 25.0B-m/ss and, its mean error. For details, see Section
- 3.8.b, page 50.
- Note on m21:
- 21-cm emission line magnitude defined by m21 = 21.6 - 2.5 log SH ,
- where SH is the measured neutral hydrogen flux density in units of
- 10-24W/m2. For details, see Section 3.9.a, page 51.
- Note on W20 and W50:
- Neutral hydrogen line full width (in km/s) measured at the 20%
- level (I20/Imax) and the 50% level (I50/Imax), respectively, as
- explained in Section 3.9.b, page 51.
- Note on HI:
- Corrected neutral hydrogen index, which is the difference
- mo21-BoT between the corrected (face-on) 21-cm emission line
- magnitude and the similarly corrected magnitude in the BT system.
- Details are given in Section 3.9.c, page 52. Since m21 and BT are
- listed separately in columns 6 and 9, record 1, there is no need to
- print the uncorrected index.
- Note on V21:
- The mean heliocentric radial velocity derived from neutral hydrogen
- observations, as explained in Section 3.10.a, page 52.
- Note on cz:
- The mean heliocentric radial velocity, derived from optical
- observations, as explained in Section 3.10.b, page 53.
- Note on VGSR:
- The weighted mean of the neutral hydrogen and optical velocities,
- corrected to the "Galactic standard of rest", as explained in
- Section 3.10.c, page 54.
- Note on V3K:
- The weighted mean velocity corrected to the reference frame defined
- by the 3K microwave background radiation, as explained in Section
- 3.10.d, page 55.
- NOTE: The references with many of the descriptions are to the page
- numbers in Volume 1 of the printed catalogue.
- Construction of the current version of the RC3:
- The RC3 was received electronically from Dr. Harold Corwin. It was
- transferred to a Dec-alpha work station for examination and then to
- a Cray computer for processing and archiving. Dr. Corwin also
- provided the introduction to the catalogue in LaTeX for the
- original version of the Third Reference Catalog. This introduction
- has been modified for the present document.
- Several changes were made in the catalogue. The printed version
- contained plus/minus signs. Since the eighth bit, which
- distinguishes special characters, tends to be dropped when the file
- is transferred electronically, these have all been removed; the
- meaning is obvious. The original version of the catalog contained
- four records for each galaxy. Those values in the same columns were
- often related. The catalog has been reformatted into a single
- record per galaxy and the order of the data has been changed to
- keep related information contiguous. Extra blank columns which
- resulted from the original structure have been removed, keeping a
- single blank between adjacent columns.
- Acknowlegements:
- We sincerely thank Dr. Harold Corwin for sending us the RC3 and the
- LaTeX version of the introduction. We also thank him for extensive
- advise during the production of the original document and for a
- careful reading of this final product. We thank Dr. Francois Ochsenbein
- for help in formatting this document.
- Historical Notes:
- * 16-Feb-1995: Documentation done by Nancy G. Roman [SSDOO/ADC]
- * 28-Oct-1995: the values of RA (1950 and 2000) originally reported with
- a 0.1 min were converted to seconds at CDS
- (see notes above on RAs and RAs1950)
- ================================================================================
- (End) Nancy G. Roman [SSDOO/ADC], Francois Ochsenbein [CDS] 16-Feb-1995